We work closely with our clients and other members of the project design team to offer mitigation and enhancement strategies that are not only effective for the wildlife in question but that deliver a cost effective outcome for the client thus enhancing the site as a whole. With an in-house Land Management team GE have the plant and people to deliver large scale mitigation and enhancement solutions.

In order to deliver certain mitigation strategies there is an obligation to seek a licence from the relevant Statutory Nature Conservation Organisation (such as Natural England or Natural Resources Wales). GE Consulting have comprehensive experience of gaining licences for an array of species as well as boasting in-house Low Impact bat licensed consultants and CL35 licensed badger consultants.

Our comprehensive services include:

  • Species translocation (e.g. reptiles, GCN, rare plants)
  • Reptile & amphibian fencing
  • Ecological Clerk of Works (EcoW)
  • Badger sett exclusions, closures & artificial sett construction
  • Bat mitigation strategies including input on lighting plans & CAD work for roost design
  • Habitat management & creation
  • Advice & reporting for biodiversity offsetting

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