GE Consulting provide a wide range of ecology surveys including Preliminary Ecological Appraisals, habitat surveys and a wide array of floral and fauna surveys including protected species surveys.

We carry out surveys to best practice guidelines where practical but do not shy away from adopting a different approach should the circumstances demand an alternative solution. As well as investing in the continued development of our consultants we also invest in the latest technology (we currently operate over 90 bat detectors and over 35 thermal and infra-red cameras) to ensure our surveys are as accurate and efficient as possible.

Our team of experts have experience and skills (including the required survey licences) to conduct the following surveys:

  • Habitat Surveys
  • NVC Surveys
  • Specialist Botanical Surveys
  • Badger Surveys
  • Bat Surveys (including climbed tree inspections)
  • Bird Surveys
  • Dormouse Surveys
  • Great Crested Newt Surveys
  • Invertebrate Surveys
  • Otter Surveys
  • Reptile Surveys
  • Water Vole Surveys
  • White-clawed Crayfish Surveys

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