GE have an experienced and skilled in-house arboricultural consultant team who are qualified to assist with all stages of the development process.

Where the client choses to appoint GE on a project as both arboriculturalists and as ecologists we are able to offer a combined approach that not only generates time and cost savings but that also leads to more streamlined project management and a more coherent approach.

Our arboricultural services include:

  • Pre-purchase Feasibility Studies
  • Tree Surveys and Tree Constraints Report (conforming to BS5837)
  • Layout and Design Advice
  • Tree Protection Plans
  • Arboricultural Impact Assessments
  • Arboricultural Method Statements
  • Tree Canopy Assessments (as per the Cornwall Council SPD)
  • Mitigation Planting Plans
  • Site Supervision
  • TPO Advice
  • Woodland Management Plans

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